Journal Articles
F. Lu, L. Franceschetti, K. Krippner, M. Kaviany, T. Daimaru, “Analytic thermal conductance for square channel, flat plate oscillating heat pipe: CFD simulations of Taylor liquid film and experiment,” Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 241, 126711, 2025.
K. Krippner, T. Daimaru, M. Kaviany, “A simple analytic, slug-deposited liquid film thermal resistance/conductance model for oscillating heat pipe”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 235, 126139, 2024.
F. Lu, M. Kaviany, J. Williams, T. Addison-Smith, “Heat, mass and momentum transport in wet mineral-wool insulation: Experiment and simulation”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 228, 125644, 2024.
Y. Kameya, Y. Takahashi, M. Kaviany, “Surface evaporation enhancement using porous metasurfaces: 3-D multiscale, open-system wick evaporators”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 216, 124605, 2023.
J. Ferreira, M. Kaviany, “Direct simulation of flow-boiling crisis and its porous-metasurface control for very large dryout limit”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 194, 123051, 2022.
S. G. Lee, M. Kaviany, J. Lee, “Role of quenching method on cooling rate and microstructure of steels: Variations in coolant and its flow arrangement”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 189, 122702, 2022.
J. Ferreira, B. Furst, T. Daimaru, E. Sunada, M. Kaviany, “Analytic characterization and operational limits of a hybrid two-phase mechanically pumped fluid loop based on the capillary pumped loop”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 183(A), 122019, 2022.
T. K. Kim, J. Ferreira, HJ. Jo, M. Kaviany, “Flow-boiling canopy wick capillary viscous limit”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 181, 121999, 2021.
M. Kaviany. “Atomic-Level Energy-Conversion Heat Transfer”, J. of Heat Transfer, 143, 090801, 2021.
J. Ferreira, M. Kaviany. “Geometric-confinement suppression of flow-boiling instability using perforated wick: Part II CHF limits and wick properties”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 159, 120079, 2020.
J. Ferreira, M. Kaviany. “Geometric-confinement suppression of flow-boiling instability using perforated wick: Part I CHF and conductance enhancement”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 159, 120080, 2020.
S. Hoenig, S. Modak, Z. Chen, M. Kaviany, J. Gilchrist and R. Bonner. “Role of substrate thermal conductivity and vapor pressure in dropwise condensation”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 178, 115, 2020.
Z. Chen, S. Modak, M. Kaviany and R. Bonner. “Direct simulations of biphilic-surface condensation: optimized size effects”, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 14, 1, 2020.
S. Modak, M. Kaviany, S. Hoenig and R. Bonner. “Numerical analysis of meniscus dynamics in monolayer-wick dropwise condensation”, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 76, 301, 2019.
C. Melnick and M. Kaviany, “From thermoelectricity to phonoelectricity”, Applied Physics Reviews, 6, 021305, 2019.
S.G. Lee, M. Kaviany and J. Lee, “Quench subcooled-jet impingement boiling: Staggered-array jets enhancement”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 136, 888, 2019.
W.K. Kim, C. Melnick, J.H. Shim and M. Kaviany, “Role of compression metallization in UO2 fission-product energy cascade track: Multiscale electron-phonon analyses”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 511, 148, 2018.
S.G. Lee, M. Kaviany, and J. Lee, “Quenched subcooled-jet impingement boiling: Two interacting-jet enhancement”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 126, 1302, 2018.
J.N. Kang, G.C. Lee , M. Kaviany, S.H. Park, K. Moriyama, and M.H. Kim, “Control of minimum film-boiling quench temperature of small spheres with micro-structured surface”, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 103, 30, 2018.
Y. Nasersharifi, M. Kaviany, and G. Hwang, “Pool-boiling enhancement using multilevel modulated wick”, Appl. Thermal Engineering, 137, 268, 2018.
C. Melnick and M. Kaviany, “Thermal actuation in TRPV1: Role of embedded lipids and intracellular domains”, J. Theoretical Biology, 444, 38, 2018.
B. Hwang, K. Moriyama, G. Hwang, M. Kaviany, M. Lee, E. Kim, and H.S. Park, “Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of ex-vessel molten core cooling in a flooded cavity during a severe accident”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 328, 121, 2018.
H. Wu, M. Kaviany, and O.C. Kwon, “Thermophotovoltaic power conversion using a superadiabatic radiant burner”, Applied Energy, 209, 392, 2018.
M. Kim and M. Kaviany, “Flow-boiling canopy wick for extreme heat transfer”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 117, 1158, 2018.
M.A.S. Timmermann, M. Kaviany, and J.R. Barbosa Jr., “Thermal performance of peripheral-finned tube evaporators under frosting”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 116, 194, 2018.
C. Melnick and M. Kaviany, “Bilayer graphene phonovoltaic-FET: In situ phonon recycling”, Phys. Rev. B, 96, 205444, 2017.
X. Wang, M. Kaviany, and B. Huang, “Phonon Coupling and Transport in Individual Polyethylene Chains: A Comparison Study with the Bulk Crystal”, Nanoscale, 9, 18022, 2017.
S.G. Lee, M. Kaviany, C.-J. Kim, and J. Lee, “Quasi-steady front in quench subcooled-jet impingement boiling: Experiment and analysis”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 113, 622, 2017.
Y. Kameya, K. Torii, S. Hirai, and M. Kaviany, “Photocatalytic soot oxidation on TiO2 microstructured substrate”, Chemical Engineering J., 327, 831, 2017.
J.M. Kim, J.H. Kim, M.H. Kim, M. Kaviany, and H.S. Ahn “Nanocapillarity in graphene oxide laminate and its effect on critical heat flux”, J. Heat Transfer 139, 082402, 2017.
W.K. Kim and J.H. Shim and M. Kaviany, “Thermophysical properties of liquid UO2, ZrO2 and corium by molecular dynamics and predictive models”, J. Nuclear Materials 491, 126, 2017.
M. Kim and M. Kaviany, “Multi-artery heat-pipe spreader: monolayer-wick receding meniscus transitions and optimal performance”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 112, 343, 2017.
J.-Y. Kang, G.C. Lee, M. Kaviany, H.S. Park, K. Moriyama, and M.H. Kim, “Minimum film-boiling quench temperature increase by CuO porous-microstructure coating”, Applied Physics Letters 110, 043903, 2017.
V. Vandadi, H. Wu, O.C. Kwon, M. Kaviany, and C. Park, “Multiscale thermal nonequilibria for record superadiabatic-radiant-burner efficiency: Experiment and analyses”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 106, 731, 2017.
C. Melnick and M. Kaviany, “Phonovoltaic. III. Electron-phonon coupling and figure of merit of graphene: BN”, Physical Review B 94, 245412, 2016.
K. Kim and M. Kaviany, “Thermal conductivity switch: Optimal semiconductor/metal melting transition”, Physical Review B 94, 155203, 2016.
H. S. Ji, A. Togo, M. Kaviany, I. Tanaka, and J. H. Shim, “Low phononc conductivity of layered BiCuOS, BiCuOSe, and BiCuOTe from first principles”, Physical Review B 94, 115203, 2016.
G. Hwang, M. Kaviany, K. Moriyama, H.S. Park, B. Hwang, M. Lee, E. Kim, J.H. Park, and Y. Nasersharifi, “FARO tests corium-melt cooling in water pool: Roles of melt superheat and sintering in sediment”, Nuc. Eng. and Design, 305, 569, 2016.
K. Kim and M. Kaviany, “Phonocatalysis. An ab initio simulation experiment”, AIP Advances, 6, 065124, 2016.
W. K. Kim, J. H. Shim, and M. Kaviany, “UO2 bicrystal phonon grain-boundary resistance by molecular dynamics and predictive models”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 100, 243, 2016.
C. Melnick and M. Kaviany “Phonovoltaic. I. Harvesting hot optical phonons in a nanoscale p-n junction”, Physical Review B, 93, 094302, 2016.
C. Melnick and M. Kaviany “Phonovoltaic. II. Tuning band gap to optical phonon in graphite”, Physical Review B, 93, 125203, 2016.
J. N. Kim, M. Kaviany, and J.-H. Shim “Optimized ZT of Bi2Te3-GeTe compounds from first principles guided by homogenous data”, Physical Review B, 93, 075119, 2016.
B. G. Jang, S. I. Hyun, M. H. Kim, M. Kaviany, and J. H. Shim, “Origin of f-orbital-bonding insensitivity to spin-orbit coupling in UO2“, Euro. Phys. Lett. 112, 17012, 2015.
X. Wang, R. Guo, D. Xu, J. Chung, M. Kaviany and B. Huang “Anisotropic Lattice Thermal Conductivity and Suppressed Acoustic Phonons in MOF-74 from First Principles”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 26000, 2015.
H. Wu, Y.J. Kim, V. Vandadi, C. Park, M. Kaviany and O.C. Kwon “Experiment on superadiabatic radiant burner with augmented preheating”, Appl. Energy, 156, 390, 2015.
Y. Li, X. Wang, D. Xu, J. D. Chung, M. Kaviany and B. Huang “H2O adsorption/desorption in MOF-74: Ab initio molecular dynamics and experiments”, J. Physical Chemistry C, 119, 13021, 2015.
S. Shin, and M. Kaviany “Optical phonon production by upconversion: Heterojunction-transmitted versus native phonons”, Physical Review B, 91, 165310, 2015.
S. Shin, and M. Kaviany “Toward reversing Joule heating with a phonon-absorbing heterobarrier”, Physical Review B, 91, 85301, 2015.
H. Kim, S. Ballinkaya, H. Chi, J.-P. Ahn, K. Ahn, C. Uher, and M. Kaviany “Ultralow thermal conductivity of ß-Cu2Se by atomic fluidity and structure distortion”, Acta Materialia, 86, 247-253 , 2015.
H. Jo, H. Noh, M. Kaviany, J. M. Kim, M. H. Kim, and H. S. Ahn, “Tunable, self-assembled 3D graphene oxide structures fabricated via boiling”, Carbon, 81, 357-366, 2015.
H. S. Ahn, J. M. Kim, J. M. Kim, S. C. Park, K. Hwang, H. J. Jo, T. Kim, D. W. Jerng, M. Kaviany, and M. H. Kim, “Boiling characteristics on the reduced graphene oxide films”, Exp. Thermal Fluid Sci., 60, 361-366, 2015.
H. S. Ahn, M. Kaviany and M. H. Kim, “Pool boiling experiments in reduced graphene oxide colloids part II – Behavior after the CHF”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Trasfer, 78, 224-231, 2014.
H. Chi, H. Kim, J.C. Thomas, G. Shi, K. Sun, M. Abeykoon, E.S. Bozin, X. Shi, Q. Li, E. Kioupakis, A. Van der Ven, M. Kaviany and C. Uher, “Low-temperature structural and transport anomalies in Cu2Se”, Physical Review B, 89, 195209-1-5, 2014.
H.S. Ahn, J.M. Kim, M. Kaviany and M.H. Kim, “Pool boiling experiments in reduced graphene oxide colloids. Part I – Boiling characteristics”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 74, 501-512, 2014.
H. Kim, M.H. Kim, and M. Kaviany, “Lattice thermal conductivity of UO2 using ab-initio and classical molecular dynamics”, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 123510-1-8, 2014.
S. Yu, and M. Kaviany, “Electrical, thermal, and species transport properties of liquid eutectic Ga-In and Ga-In-Sn from first principles”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 140, 064303-1-8, 2014.
H.-J. Jo, M. Kaviany, S.H. Kim, and M.H. Kim, “Heterogeneous bubble nucleation on ideally-smooth horizontal heated surface”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 71, 149-157, 2014.
S. Shin, C. Melnick, and M. Kaviany, “Phonon recycling”, JSME Mechanical Engineering Reviews, (inaugural issue) 1, TEP0002-1-10, 2014.
Z.M. Gibbs, H. Kim, H. Wang, R.L. White, F. Drymiotis, M. Kaviany, and G.J. Snyder, “Temperature dependent band gap in PbX (X=S, Se, Te)”, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 262103-1-5, 2013.
S. Shin and M. Kaviany, “Entropy production in hot-phonon energy conversion to electric potential”, Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 083710-1-9, 2013.
V. Vandadi, C. Park, and M. Kaviany, “Superadiabatic radiant porous burner with preheater and radiation corridors”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 64, 680-688, 2013.
S.H. Kim, H.S. Ahn, J.W. Kim, M. Kaviany and M.H. Kim, “Dynamics of water droplet on a heated nanotubes surface”, Applied Physics Letters, 102, 233901-1-5, 2013.
H.S. Ahn, J.M. Kim, C. Park, J.-W. Jang, J.S. Lee, H. Kim, M. Kaviany and M.H. Kim, “A novel role of three dimensional graphene foam to prevent heater failure during boiling”, Scientific Reports, 3, 1960-1-7, 2013.
H. Kim and M. Kaviany, “Coupled polaron-phonon effects on Seebeck coefficient and lattice conductivity of B13C2 from first principles”, Physical Review B, 87, 155133-1-6, 2013.
H.S. Ji, H. Kim, C. Lee, J.-S. Rhyee, M.H. Kim, M. Kaviany, and J.H. Shim, “Vacancy-suppressed lattice conductivity of high-ZT In4Se3−x“, Physical Review B, 87, 125111-1-7, 2013.
G.S. Hwang, H. Kim, R. Lujan, R. Mukundan, D. Spernjak, R.L. Borup, M. Kaviany, M.H. Kim, and A.Z. Weber, “Phase-change-related degradation of catalyst layers in proton-exchange-membrane fuel cells”, Electrochimica Acta, 95, 29–37, 2013.
S. Shin, C. Melnick, and M. Kaviany, “Heterobarrier for converting hot-phonon energy to electric potential”, Physical Review B, 87, 075317-1-6, 2013.
C. Melnick, M. Kaviany, and M.H. Kim, “Roles of core-shell and δ-ray kinetics in layered BN α-voltaic efficiency”, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 063703-1-8, 2013.
Y.S. Ju, M. Kaviany, Y. Nam, S. Sharratt, G.S. Hwang, I. Catton, E. Fleming, and P. Dussinger, “Planar vapor chamber with hybrid evaporator wicks for the thermal management of high-heat-flux and high-power optoelectronic devices”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 60, 163-169, 2013.
H. Chi, H. Kim, J.C. Thomas, X. Su, S. Stackhouse, M. Kaviany, A. Van der Ven, X. Tang, and C. Uher, “Configuring pnicogen rings in skutterudites for low phonon conductivity”, Physical Review B, 86, 195209, 2012.
B.F. Pussoli, J.R. Barbosa Jr., L.W. da Silva and M. Kaviany, “Optimization of peripheral finned-tube evaporators using entropy generation minimization”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 55, 7838-7846, 2012.
H. Kim and M. Kaviany, “Effect of thermal disorder on high figure of merit in PbTe”, Physical Review B, 86, 045213-1-10, 2012.
B.F. Pussoli, J.R. Barbosa Jr., L.W. da Silva and M. Kaviany, “Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of peripheral-finned tube heat exchangers”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 55, 2835–2843, 2012.
J. Kim, J. Je, T.J. Kim, M. Kaviany, S.Y. Son and M.H. Kim, “Breakthrough/drainage pressures and X-ray water visualization in gas diffusion layer of PEMFC”, Current Applied Physics, 12, 105-108, 2012.
S. Shin and M. Kaviany, “Interflake thermal conductance of edge-passivated graphene”, Physical Review B, 84, 235433-1-8, 2011.
A.J. Gross, G.S. Hwang, B. Huang, H. Yang, N. Ghafouri, H. Kim, R.L. Peterson, C. Uher, M. Kaviany and K. Najafi, “Multistage Planar Thermoelectric Microcoolers”, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 20, 1201-1210, 2011.
J.Y. Lee, M.H. Kim, M. Kaviany and S.Y. Son, “Bubble nucleation in microchannel flow boiling using single artificial cavity”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, 5139–5148, 2011.
J. Je, J. Kim, M. Kaviany, S.Y. Son and M.H. Kim, “X-ray tomography of morphological changes after freeze/thaw in gas diffusion layers”, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 18, 743–746, 2011.
T.A. Westrich, K.A. Dahlberg, M. Kaviany and J.W. Schwank, “High-Temperature Photocatalytic Ethylene Oxidation over TiO2”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 16537-16543, 2011.
J. Kim, J. Je, M. Kaviany, S.Y. Son, and M.H. Kim, “Fuel crossover and internal current in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell from water visualization using X-ray radiography”, Journal of Power Sources, 196, 8398-8401, 2011.
G.S. Hwang, M. Kaviany, J.T. Gostick, B. Kientiz, A.Z. Weber, and M.H. Kim, “Role of water states on water uptake and proton transport in Nafion using molecular simulations and bimodal network”, Polymer, 52, 2584-2593, 2011.
N. Sergueev, S. Shin, M. Kaviany, and B. Dunietz, “Efficiency of Thermoelectric Energy Conversion in Biphenyl-dithiol Junctions: Effect of Electron-phonon Interactions”, Physical Review B, 83, 195415-1-12, 2011.
G.S. Hwang, E. Fleming, B. Carne, S. Sharratt, Y. Nam, P. Dussinger, Y.S. Ju, and M. Kaviany, “Multi-artery heat-pipe spreader: Lateral liquid supply”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, 2334-2340, 2011.
H. Kim, M. Kaviany, J.C. Thomas, A. Van der Ven, C. Uher, and B.L. Huang, “Structural Order-Disorder Transitions and Phonon Conductivity of Partially Filled Skutterudites “, Physical Review Letters, 105, 265901-1-4, 2010.
J. Kim and M. Kaviany, “Phonon-coupling Enhanced Absorption of Alloyed Amorphous Silicon for Solar Photovoltaics”, Physical Review B, 82, 134205-1-6, 2010.
S. Shin, M. Kaviany, T. Desai and R. Bonner, “Roles of Atomic Restructuring in Interfaical Phonon Transport”, Physical Review B, 82, 081302-1-4, 2010.
B.L. Huang and M. Kaviany, “Filler-reduced Phonon Conductivity of Thermoelectric Skutterudites: Ab initio Calculations and Molecular Dynamic Simulations”, Acta Materialia, 58, 4516-4526, 2010.
G.S. Hwang, Y. Nam, E. Fleming, P. Dussinger, Y.S. Ju, and M. Kaviany, “Multi-artery Heat Pipe Spreader: Experiment”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 53, 2662-2669, 2010.
O.N. Cora, D. Min, M. Koc, and M. Kaviany “Microscale-modulated Porous Coatings: Fabrication and Pool-boiling Heat Transfer Performance “, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20, 035020-1-9, 2010.
J. Kim and M. Kaviany, “Electrowetting Purged Surface Condensate in Evaporators”, Heat Transfer Engineering, 31(2): 101-107, 2010.
S. Shin and M. Kaviany, “Enhanced Laser Cooling of CO2-Xe Gas using (0200) Excitation”, Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 124910-1-6, 2009.
J. Kim and M. Kaviany, “Phonon Recycling in Ion-doped Lasers”, Applied Physics Letters, 95, 074103-1-3, 2009.
G.S. Hwang, M. Kaviany, J.H. Nam, M.H. Kim and S.Y. Son, “Pore-water Morphological Transitions in Polymer Electrolyte of a Fuel Cell.”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 156, B1192-B1200, 2009.
G.S. Hwang and M. Kaviany, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Effective Thermal Conductivity of Vapor-filled Nanogap and Nanocavity.”, Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 024317-1-6, 2009.
T.J. Kim, J.R. Kim, C.M. Sim, S.W. Lee, M. Kaviany, S.Y. Son, and M.H. Kim, “Experimental Approaches for Distribution and Behavior of Water in PEMFC Under Flow Direction and Differential Pressure using Neutron Imaging Technique”, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 600, 325-327, 2009.
D.H. Min, G.S. Hwang, Y. Usta, O.N. Cora, M. Koc, and M. Kaviany, “2-D and 3-D Modulated Porous Coatings for Enhanced Pool Boiling”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, 2607-2613, 2009.
J.H. Nam, K.J. Lee, G.S. Hwang, C.J. Kim, and M. Kaviany, “Microporous Layer for Water Morphology Control in PEMFC”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, 2779-2791, 2009.
J. Kim, and M. Kaviany, “Ab-initio Calculations of f-orbital Electron-Phonon Interaction in Laser Cooling”, Physical Review B, 79, 054103-1-5, 2009.
G.S. Hwang, A.J. Gross, H. Kim, S.W. Lee, N. Ghafouri, B.L. Huang, C. Lawrence, C. Uher, K. Najafi, and M. Kaviany, “Micro Thermoelectric Cooler: Planar Multistage”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, 1843-1852, 2009.
D.H. Min, G.S. Hwang, and M. Kaviany, “Multi-Artery, Heat Pipe Spreader”,Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, 629-635, 2009.
B.L. Huang, C. Lawrence, A. Gross, G.S. Hwang, N. Ghafouri, S.W. Lee, H. Kim, C.P. Li, C. Uher, K. Najafi, and M. Kaviany, “Low-temperature Characterization and Micropatterning of Coevaporated Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 Films”, Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 113710-1-8, 2008.
H. Bao, X.L. Ruan and M. Kaviany, “Theory of the Broadening of Vibrational Spectra Induced by Lowered Symmetry in Yttria Nanostructures”, Physical Review B, 78, 125417-1-7, 2008.
V.P. Carey, G. Chen, C.Grigoropoulos, M.Kaviany, and A. Majumdar, “A Review of Heat Transfer Physics”, Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophsical Engineering, 12, 1-60, 2008.
J. Kim, A. Kapoor, and M. Kaviany, “Material Metrics for Laser Cooling of Solids”, Physical Review B, 77, 115127-1-15, 2008.
B.L. Huang, and M. Kaviany, “Ab Initio and Molecular Dynamics Predictions for Electron and Phonon Trasport in Bismuth Telluride”, Physical Review B, 77, 125209-1-19, 2008.
X.L. Ruan, and M. Kaviany, “Ab Initio Photon-Electron and Electron-Vibration Coupling Calculations Related to Laser Cooling of Ion-Doped Solids”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 5, 221-229, 2008.
X.L. Ruan, S.C. Rand, and M. Kaviany, “Entropy and Efficiency in Laser Cooling of Solids”, Physical Review B, 75, 214304-1-9, 2007.
J. Kim and M. Kaviany, “Purging of Dropwise Condensate by Electrowetting”, Journal of Applied Physics, 101, 103520-1-7, 2007.
H. Wu, D. Ma and M. Kaviany “Peripheral Fins for Blockage Robustness”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, 2514-2520, 2007.
G.S. Hwang, M. Kaviany, W.G. Anderson and J. Zuo “Modulated Wick Heat Pipe”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, 1420-1434, 2007.
X.L. Ruan and M. Kaviany, “Advances in Laser Cooling of Solids”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 129, 3-10, 2007.
B.L. Huang, Z. Ni, A. Millward, A.J.H. McGaughey, C. Uher, M. Kaviany and O. Yaghi, “Thermal Conductivity of a Metal-Organic Framework (MOF-5): Part 2. Measurement”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, 405-411, 2007.
B.L. Huang, A.J.H. McGaughey and M. Kaviany, “Thermal Conductivity of Metal-Organic Framework 5 (MOF-5): Part 1. Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, 393-404, 2007.
B.L. Huang and M. Kaviany, “Structural Metrics of High-Temperature Lattice conductivity”, Journal of Applied Physics, 100, 123507-1-12, 2006.
A.J.H. McGaughey, M.I. Hussein, E.S. Landry, M. Kaviany and G.M. Hulbert, “Phonon Band Structure and Thermal Transport Correlation in a Layered Diatomic Crystal”, Physical Review B, 74, 104304-1-12, 2006.
A.J.H. McGaughey and M. Kaviany, “Phonon Transport in Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Formulation and Thermal Conductivity Prediction “, Chapter 2, in Advances in Heat Transfer, 39, 169-225, 2006.
X.L. Ruan and M. Kaviany, “Enhanced Laser Cooling of Rare-Earth-Ion-Doped Nanocrystalline Powders”, Physical Review B, 73, 155422-1-15, 2006
G.S. Hwang and M. Kaviany, “Critical Heat Flux in Thin, Uniform Particle Coatings”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 49, 844-849, 2006.
L.W. da Silva and M. Kaviany, “Fabrication and Measured Performance of a First-Generation Microthermoelectric Cooler”, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 14, 1110-1117, 2005.
A.J.H. McGaughey and M. Kaviany, “Observation and Description of Phonon Interactions in Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, Physical Review B, 71, 184305-1-11, 2005
L.W. da Silva, M. Kaviany and C. Uher, “Thermoelectric Performance of Films in the Bismuth-Tellurium and Antimony-Tellurium Systems”, Journal of Applied Physics, 97, 114903-1-10, 2005.
X.L. Ruan and M. Kaviany, “Enhanced Nonradiative Relaxation and Photoluminescence Quenching in Random, Doped Nanocrystalline Powders”, Journal of Applied Physics, 97, 104331-1-8, 2005.
X.L. Ruan and M. Kaviany, “Photon Localization and Electromagnetic Field Enhancement in Laser-Irradiated, Random Porous Media”, Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 9, 63-84, 2005.
J.D. Chung, A.J.H. McGaughey, and M. Kaviany, “Role of Phonon Dispersion in Lattice Thermal Conductivity Modeling”, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 126, 376-380, 2004.
S. Redmond, S.C. Rand, X.L. Ruan, and M. Kaviany, “Multiple Scattering and Nonlinear Thermal Emission of Yb3+, Er3+:Y2O3 Nanopowders”, Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 4069-4077, 2004.
A.J.H. McGaughey and M. Kaviany, “Quantitative Validation of the Boltzmann Transport Equation Phonon Thermal Conductivity Model Under the Single Mode Relaxation Time Approximation”, Physical Review B, 69, 094303-1-12, 2004.
L.W. da Silva and M. Kaviany, “Micro-thermoelectric Cooler: Interfacial Effects on Thermal and Electrical Transport”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 47, 2417-2435, 2004.
A.J.H. McGaughey and M. Kaviany, “Thermal Conductivity Decomposition and Analysis Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Part I. Lennard-Jones Argon”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 47, 1783-1798, 2004.
A.J.H. McGaughey and M. Kaviany, “Thermal Conductivity Decomposition and Analysis Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Part II. Complex Silica Structures”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 47, 1799-1816, 2004.
J.-H. Nam and M. Kaviany, “Effective Mass Diffusivity and Water Saturation Distribution in Single- and Two-Layer PEMFC Diffusion Medium”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 46, 4595-4611, 2003.
M. Mezedur, M. Kaviany, and W. Moore, “Effect of Pore Structure, Randomness, and Size on Effective Mass Diffusivity,” AIChE J., 48, 15-24, 2002.
C.-W. Park and M. Kaviany, “Evaporation/Combustion Affected by In-Cylinder Reciprocating Porous Regenerator,” ASME J. Heat Transfer, 124, 184-194, 2002.
S.G. Liter and M. Kaviany, “Pool-Boiling CHF Enhancement by Modulated Porous-Layer Coating.” Theory and Experiment,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 44, 4287-4311, 2001.
A.A.M. Oliveira and M. Kaviany, “Nonequilibrium in the Transport of Heat and Reactants in Combustion in Porous Media.” , Prog. Energy Combust. Sci., 27, 523-545, 2001.
C.-W. Park and M. Kaviany, “Combustion-Thermoelectric Tube,” ASME J. Heat Transfer, 122, 721-729, 2000.
J.-D. Chung and M. Kaviany, “Effects of Phonon Pore Scattering and Pore Randomness on Effective Conductivity of Porous Silicon,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 43, 521-537, 2000.
In order to view some of the pdf files in the links above, you must have access to the journal websites. If you are unable to view the papers and would like a copy, please send an email to Kyle Krippner, who will send you a pdf version.
M. Kaviany, Heat Transfer Physics, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2014.
M. Kaviany, Essentials of Heat Transfer, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2011.
M. Kaviany, Principles of Heat Transfer, Wiley, New York, 2001.
M. Kaviany, Principles of Convective Heat Transfer, Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001.
M. Kaviany, Principles of Heat Transfer in Porous Media, Second Edition, (Second Printing), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999.
C. Melnick, The Phonovoltaic Cell: Harvesting Optical Phonons in Order to Approach the Carnot limit, 2017.
H. Kim, Tuning Structure and Thermal Evolution of High-ZT Thermoelectrics Using First Principles, 2013.
J. Kim, Phonon Tuning and Recycling in Photonic Energy Conversion: Atomic-Structure Metrics and Examples, 2011.
G.S. Hwang, Pore-Water and Proton Transport in Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell: Molecular Dynamics and Mono- and Bimodal Wetting Treatments of Mesopore Hydrated Nafion, 2010.
L.W. da Silva, Integrated Micro Thermoelectric Cooler: Theory, Fabrication, and Characterization, 2005.
A.J.H McGaughey, Phonon Transport in Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Formulation and Thermal Conductivity Prediction, 2004.
S.G. Liter, Pool-Boiling Enhancement and Liquid Choking Limits Within and Above a Modulated Porous-Layer Coating, 2000.